Storing Wool Products: Best Practices for Longevity

Storing Wool Products: Best Practices for Longevity

When you invest in high-quality wool products, such as those offered by Woollando, you want to ensure they remain in pristine condition for as long as possible. Whether it's bed linen, blankets, clothes, or other woolen items, proper storage is key to maintaining their warmth, coziness, and natural beauty. In this guide, we delve into the best practices for storing wool products to maximize their longevity and preserve their premium quality.

Why Care for Wool Products?

Wool products are renowned for their durability, warmth, and luxurious feel. However, like all natural fibers, wool needs proper care to maintain its best qualities. Without appropriate storage, wool can be susceptible to damage from pests, moisture, and environmental factors. By following these tips, you can ensure your cherished wool items remain as beautiful and functional as the day you bought them.

Preparing Your Wool Items for Storage

Before you even think about storing your wool items, it’s crucial to prepare them properly. Here’s how:

  • Wash and Clean:
    1. Read Care Labels: Check the manufacturer’s instructions on whether the item is machine-washable or requires hand washing.
    2. Use Wool-Safe Detergents: Select a mild detergent specifically designed for wool.
    3. Dry Completely: Ensure items are fully dry before storing to prevent the growth of mold and mildew.
  • Caution with Fabric Softener: Do not use fabric softener on wool products as it can damage the fibers and affect the quality and softness of the wool.

Optimal Storage Conditions

Choosing the right storage environment is critical. Here are some considerations:

  • Cool and Dry: Store wool items in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture damage. Avoid areas with high humidity.
  • Avoid Direct Sunlight: Exposure to direct sunlight can cause wool to fade and become brittle over time. Choose shaded or dark storage spaces.
  • Pest Control: Use natural repellents like cedar balls or sachets of lavender to keep moths and other wool-damaging insects at bay.

Choosing the Right Storage Containers

The type of container you use can significantly impact the longevity of your wool products.

  • Breathable Bags: Opt for breathable storage bags made from cotton or linen. These allow wool to breathe while protecting it from dust and pests.
  • Vacuum Sealed Bags: While vacuum-sealed bags save space, they are not ideal for long-term storage as they compress the wool fibers. If you must use them, ensure it’s only for short-term storage.
  • Acid-Free Boxes: For more delicate wool items, like luxurious bed linens, consider using acid-free storage boxes. These provide an airtight seal that protects against environmental damage.

Storing Different Types of Wool Products

Various wool items have unique storage needs. Here we provide specific tips for some of the popular products we offer at Woollando.

Bed Linen

Our bed linens crafted from premium wool blends require special care.

  • Fold carefully to avoid creases.
  • Store in a breathable bag in a cool, dry place.

Blankets and Throws

High-quality wool blankets and throws are designed for maximum warmth.

  • Roll instead of folding to minimize folding lines.
  • Use cedar balls to keep insects away.


From elegant wool coats to cozy alpaca wool sweaters, our wool clothes look best when stored properly.

  • Hang items with padded hangers to maintain shape.
  • Store horizontally for heavy items to prevent stretching.

Seasonal Rotation

It's beneficial to rotate your wool items seasonally. This practice ensures that all items get used, reducing the risk of long-term compression in storage.

Winter to Summer

  • Post-season cleaning: Clean items before the end of the winter season.
  • Storage methods: Roll or fold items and place them in breathable bags.

Summer to Winter

  • Inspect for damage: Check items for any signs of pest damage and clean again if needed.
  • Refresh wool items: Air out pieces to regain their fluffiness and remove any musty odors.

The Woollando Difference

At Woollando, we pour our hearts into crafting high-quality wool products designed to provide warmth, coziness, and lasting value. Our wool items, ranging from soft bed linens to warm blankets and stylish clothes, are made from premium materials such as merino wool, alpaca wool, and more, ensuring you receive the best in both comfort and quality.


By following these best practices for storing wool products, you can extend the life and maintain the quality of your cherished wool items. Whether you're tucking away bed linen for a season or preserving the luxurious feel of wool blankets and throws, proper storage is essential. Remember, caring for your wool products ensures that the warmth and coziness you love will last for years to come.

At Woollando, we’re committed to offering products that celebrate naturalness, quality, and warmth. Store your wool items well, and you'll continue to enjoy the comfort they bring to your home and wardrobe for many seasons.